18 Apr

In order to safely use electricity and prevent electric shock accidents, solar lighting systems should use grounding devices. Grounding can be divided into working grounding, protective grounding and lightning protection grounding.

    1. Working grounding: directly ground the neutral point of the low-voltage power grid, and the system grounding resistance should be less than 10Ω.

    2. Protective grounding: In order to prevent the safety of people and equipment when the equipment leaks, all exposed conductive parts of the electrical equipment are grounded through the grounding wire, and the grounding resistance should meet the installation requirements of the leakage protector.

    3. Lightning protection and grounding: In order to prevent electrical equipment from being struck by lightning, ground lightning protection devices such as lightning rod, lightning cable and lightning arrester, and the grounding resistance should be less than 10Ω.

    4. Zero connection: Connect the metal shell and metal frame of the electrical equipment to the neutral ground.

    The ground wire should be insulated wire and the whole wire should be used with no joints in between. The grounding wire of the arrester should be the shortest distance to the grounding wire. The cross-sectional area of the phase line of the protection device S≤16mm2, the minimum cross-sectional area of the ground wire and the protective wire is S; the minimum cross-sectional area of the ground wire and the protective wire is 16/2. .

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